No Eggs :( Some one HELP!!


7 Years
Jun 15, 2012
Sheffield (UK)
I have 3 chickens as one died in the run a few month's ago, ones around 30 - 40 weeks and ones 1 year plus while my third ones a cock, I've never had any eggs what so ever :( they are on layer pellets and grit in automatic feeders with sunflowers as a treat and greens at least once a week or more and fresh water daily. The runs now gone so they freely roam our gardens from 6:30ish to around 7 to 8 at night derpending on when it starts getting dark.

The cock is a right bully it does' nt seem to pull feathers out but holds on the other bird till its making noises although hes going tomorrow as hes got to im thinking of getting a few more birds to boose the flock up to its original numbers.

They seem to more chill out in the nest boxes from time to time and dont go on the roost often they sleep on the top of the nest box somehow, I have a dog who goes on the same garden but rarely bothers thr chooks, WHAT ARE WE DOING WRONG HERE?

Are you sure they are not laying eggs outside somewhere hidden? Or are they eatting the eggs after they lay them? You said one died a couple months ago - Chickens can have a heavy worm load and not lay. Worm load can also make them more apt to get sick and die for seemingly unknown reason. There are other reasons hens don't lay but these seem the most likely. Good Luck!
I carnt see worms in there poop although im going to get a dewormer for parasites tomorrow as a precaution to take if that doesnt work i dont know what else will :/

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