No eggs


Jan 14, 2017
It's been about a month since I've gotten any eggs. Spring is coming here in MN and the days are getting longer and the sun warmer. I have 6 hens 4 are almost 2 years old and the others about 1year. They were laying off and on during the winter but now nothing. Same food, water and coop isnt too bad, clean compared to some I've seen. I had an opossum about a week ago, not sure how long he was around but it is now gone. I don't think it was there long because my dog would have told me. Any ideas why no eggs? I see some feathers but not a bunch to indicate molting. Thanks
I would suggest giving them more calsum, or greenery. They could also be molting in that case they will lose all there feathers and stop laying for 1-2 months or it could be stress.
I guess I didn't expect a molt. Seems I had a feathery mess last fall. I do see some feathers around, more than 'normal' and three of the girls have pin feather heads. My rooster doesn't seem to be molting but I don't expect eggs from him. lol They've got good food, water, decently clean coop. I gave them.greens but they turned their beaks up to that. Calcium is my only other item to try. Is it common to molt now in MN?
I not using supplemental lighting. All I have is a red headlamp and I didn't want to cook them. Temp has been about 7 in the am and 30's by afternoon. I've started feeding the Purina layer formula. (Switched to that 4 bags ago) I have two PVC feeders in the coop and a regular old store bought feeder hanging in the run. They have a heated water dish outside.They don't seem to like any human food, I've tried lots of things.
I not using supplemental lighting. All I have is a red headlamp and I didn't want to cook them. Temp has been about 7 in the am and 30's by afternoon. I've started feeding the Purina layer formula. (Switched to that 4 bags ago) I have two PVC feeders in the coop and a regular old store bought feeder hanging in the run. They have a heated water dish outside.They don't seem to like any human food, I've tried lots of things.
Do you mean a heat lamp?
Layer feed can slow the regrowth of feathers after a molt.
What is protein percentage on layer feed?
Check tag sewn into bottom of bag...I thin Purina is 16%.
Might want to give them some animal protein... mealworms, scrambled eggs, canned fish.

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