no eggs


10 Years
May 9, 2014
Upper Peninsula of MI
I tried search but couldn't an answer. None of my hens have laid an egg for months. I'm clueless as to why. During the winter we turn the lights on in thee morning for them. I live in the u.p. of MI and our winters are pretty dreary, not much sunshine. In spring when the sun is nice and bright we don't do that. They quit laying. I don't know if it's a coincidence or what. I also went from a 20% protein to 16% feed. I thought they might be getting too much protein. I supplement vitamins in their water every 3rd or 4th water refill. My flock is a mix of young and old and different breeds. Any ideas?
Since you had them laying all winter, I'm guessing that is what's going on. Have they molted recently?

I doubt the protein change has anything to do with it. We go between the 16%/17% stuff to 20% every so often for no reason, really, but it doesn't change anything. Too much protein from the 20% shouldn't happen unless you're feeding them meal worms and other high-protein treats and/or supplements.

Also, your older chicks that have been laying year-round could be coming to the end of their eggs depending on how old they are, yet, that doesn't explain it for the younger ones.

Do they have oyster shell on the side? That too won't explain months of not laying, but it's just one thing they could be lacking.

The heat a month ago put ours all into a stop-laying mode. Perhaps there's something going on with being stressed.

Hopefully they restart laying soon!
Done with molting and there is always oyster shells available. My son bought me a skeleton chicken and I think I might put it out there to let them see what’s going to happen if they don’t get to work! Slackers! 😂
I tried search but couldn't an answer. None of my hens have laid an egg for months. I'm clueless as to why. During the winter we turn the lights on in thee morning for them. I live in the u.p. of MI and our winters are pretty dreary, not much sunshine. In spring when the sun is nice and bright we don't do that. They quit laying. I don't know if it's a coincidence or what. I also went from a 20% protein to 16% feed. I thought they might be getting too much protein. I supplement vitamins in their water every 3rd or 4th water refill. My flock is a mix of young and old and different breeds. Any ideas?
Do you free range?
How old are your birds?

Using supplemental lighting can be tricky, any drastic change can throw them off.
What happened to your barred bird who lost use of her legs recently?
Do you have Marek's disease in your flock?
Do you free range?
How old are your birds?

Using supplemental lighting can be tricky, any drastic change can throw them off.
No I don’t free range. Too many predators. My birds range from 4 months old to 6 years. I have silkies, salmons, olive eggers and every thing in between! 😊 I have 17 hens and 3 roosters. I keep telling my husband it’s the lighting but he doesn’t believe me. I said if you want to turn the lights on then you have to do it year round. But I digress. 🙄

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