No eggs???

My girls free-range. I give them some cottage cheese & raw oatmeal for an afternoon snack. On hot days, they seem to love the cool food.
Do not feed hens or chicks crack corn in the summer[/b][/u]. It raises their body temperature and they dont need that now. Like someone suggested increase the protein if at all possible, but if they are free range they should be getting all the protein they need.
Just my two cents
I have 4 hens, a Barred Plymouth Rock, Red New Hampshire, Blue Wyandotte, & an Ameraucana all are 28 weeks old, 3 of them have been laying daily since they
each started. my 4th girl, the Ameraucana has been going in and sitting on the nest everyday for a week but has not produced any eggs. She is active & eating
well, no sign distress or straining. I have measured the distance between her pelvic bones & that is fine however the distance between pelvic bones & Keel is
only 3 fingers instead of 4. I'm wondering could she be an internal layer? Any one have any ideas or do I just need to be patient?

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