No Eggs !

jan hatch

5 Years
Dec 28, 2014
Hi everyone , just been added ,
Ive had no eggs for weeks , my White Suffolk is usually a great layer , she has only just started getting her feathers back and was wondering if this could be the course of no eggs, my Bluebell hasn't laid for a couple of months now , any ideas out there ?
No , just on layer pellets in the morning and corn of a night also mealworms, it is getting quite cold here in UK so dont think that has helped , they have access to earth as well .
Hello! If they are molting or getting feathers back on they will probably not be laying. It also could be because they are not having enough light. Which makes their bodies feel like they need to lay eggs. So you would just have a light in for an hour or so in the evening. If it is cold and they have to be in the coop all day they could be stressed out.

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Hi , no they are out all day so plenty of light , the only other thing that i can think of is that there are a couple of cats that do try and bother them , another cat that comes over sits and eats with them so hes ok , so do you think it could be a stress thing then ?
The cold could be causing them to use more energy on them selfies instead of putting it into eggs. I would not think it would be the cats because they were around them when they were still laying eggs, right? My neighbor recently just started getting eggs after a very long pause in egg production. How long have they been without laying eggs?

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