no fruits for egg layers?

yeah it will go moldy but here again i will put that in the composter and not to the chickens and i know i am gonna get yelled at but the chickens dive right in the composter

Hmm, it's still whole. I wonder if I should cut it open and see or just toss it.
General Opinions
Apples Raw and applesauce
Apple seeds contain cyanide, but not in sufficient quantities to kill.

Asparagus Raw or cooked Okay to feed, but not a favorite.
Bananas Without the peel High in potassium, a good treat.
Carrots Raw and cooked They like carrot foliage too.
Catfood Wet and dry
Feed in strict moderation, perhaps only during moulting
Cereal Cheerios, etc.

Avoid highly sugared cereal such as Cocopuffs, etc.
Including cottage cheese
Feed in moderation, fatty but a good source of protein and calcium
Cooked Chicken

They may like it and it won’t kill them, but it just seems so….. ummm………… wrong.
On cob and canned, raw and cooked

Crickets (alive)
Can be bought at bait or pet-supply stores.
Great treat – provides protein and it’s fun to watch the chickens catch them.

Let mature for yummy seeds and flesh.
Hardcooked and scrambled are a good source of protein, and a favorite treat.
Feed cooked eggs only because you don’t want your chickens to start eating their own raw eggs.


Fish / Seafood

Raw or cooked

Flowers Make sure they haven't been treated with pesticides, such as florist flowers might be. Marigolds, nasturtiums, pansies, etc.
Pears, peaches, cherries, apples

Bulgar, flax, niger, wheatberries,etc.


Seedless only.

For chicks, cutting them in half makes it easier for them to swallow.
Great fun - the cause of many entertaining "chicken keepaway" games.
Grits Cooked

Only feed your chickens that which is still considered edible by humans, don't feed anything spoiled, moldy, oily, salty or unidentifiable.
Lettuce / Kale

Any leafy greens, spinach collards, chickweed included.

A big treat, depending on how much other greenery they have access to.


(see photo after the chart)

Available at pet supply stores.
A huge(!) favorite treat, probably the most foolproof treat on the books.
Meat scraps
Not too fatty.
In moderation, a good source of protein
Cantelope, etc.
Both seeds and flesh are good chicken treats.
Raw or cooked
Cooked is nutritionally better.
Pasta / Macaroni
Cooked spaghetti, etc.
A favorite treat, fun to watch them eat it, but not much nutrition.


Peppers (bell)




Seeds are a big treat.

Popped, no butter, no salt.

Cooked only
Starchy, not much nutrition
Pumpkins / Winter Squash
Raw or cooked
Both seeds and flesh are a nutritious treat.
Raisins .

Cooked only

Pilaf mixes are okay too, plain white rice has little nutrition.
Scratch is cracked corn with grains (such as wheat, oats and rye) mixed in.
Scratch is a treat for cold weather, not a complete feed. Toss it on the ground and let them scratch for it for something to do. Never feed scratch during hot weather because it raises the chickens’ body temperature.
Sprouts What and oat sprouts are great!
Good for greens in mid-winter.
Summer Squash
Yellow squash and zucchini

Yellow squash not a huge favorite, but okay to feed.
Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds with the shell still on is fine to feed, as well as with the shell off.

A good treat, helps hens lay eggs and grow healthy feathers.

Raw and cooked.


Not a huge favorite

Served cold, it can keep chickens cool and hydrated during hot summers.
Seeds and flesh are both okay to feed.
Plain or flavored
A big favorite and good for their digestive systems. Plain is better.
i didn't know that about citrus fruit i my chicken got a bit of orange last week. wont do that again
Oh nothing happened, i just didn't know that they couldn't have so now that I do know I wont do that again
We have a grapefruit tree in our yard and the chickens love it. They lay beautiful eggs and are regular layers. That is our experience, but they have not had much citrus since they started laying as the season is over. Too much citrus would probably not be great for them as the acidity could bug their tummies and citrus does not have protein, something they need to lay.
It's my firm belief that chickens will only eat what is not going to kill them. My chickens eat things on the do and don't feed list and I haven't lost one yet. I mean come on, they eat styrofoam, toads, snakes and anything that they can get before it eats them first.
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I tend to agree. We moved last Sept and my aunt had boxes with stepping stones, bird feeder and more that she left in the barn over the winter. Well the chickens helped her unpack them. They ate the boxes and the styrofoam that this stuff was packed in. I even see them eating paint of the side of the barn! They never stoped laying or even slowed down. I know for a fact that ours have gotton citrus fruit and hens that my aunt had years ago got everything from the kitchen and never had any problems. There are a few things from the don't feed list that ours wont eat. I know none of ours will touch banana peels or potato peels.

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