No Love

Btw, thanks for all the ovations.

Can anyone tell me how to place an ovation and where to thank for it? I am relatively new to BYC, and besides, I am a 105% computer idiot.
On the bottom of each post is a thumbs up symbol, you can add a comment if you wish. Can't really thank anyone for them.
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Guess what! Our Brownie made "duck duck" today when I touched her back. I was so startled that I failed to pick her up. I think I also only had one hand free; the other was holding a corncob.
My babies ( 10 week old silkies) love bananas more than anything else. I don't give them them the skins - I cut the banana in small pieces and make them eat out of my hand if they want some. They also like grapes, apples cut in tiny pieces, cucumbers, watermelon, and meal worms but bananas are far and away their favorite. They act like little yellow Minions, running under my feet and shreiking; "banana! abanana! Bob Bob banana!." Have you see the most recent Minion movie this summer? I swear whoever animated it must have had chicken at one time in their life.
I love my flock of thirteen chickens and this is definitely the pet for me since dogs and cats are too high maintenance. I handle the affection issue by reminding myself that these are tiny dinosaurs. We raised chickens growing up and they would attack and peck my mom until her hands bled. I'm lucky to have eleven docile hens and two docile (so far) roosters, but I don't forget that they are dinosaurs and tolerate me just as a means to treats, feed, and water :) I think it's a good idea to have low expectations of affection when you own chickens and then you might be surprised if you get a friendly one or two!
One on one time has worked for me. If they can see the rest of the flock, that's where they want to be, but if you sit alone with one a little bit everyday, I bet in a few days you'll see big improvement. Be careful what you wish for though... Mine come in through the doggie door and scare the cluck out of me sometimes. ;)
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One on one time has worked for me. If they can see the rest of the flock, that's where they want to be, but if you sit alone with one a little bit everyday, I bet in a few days you'll see big improvement. Be careful what you wish for though... Mine come in through the doggie door and scare the cluck out of me sometimes. ;)

LOL!!! You should post that pic to "what is this chicken thinking?"
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Liebe geht durch den Magen.... The way to the heart goes through the stomach.
How can a chicken learn that we are nice giants? I mean... if you take the perspective of a chicken, you will see how terrifying we are.
Not doing harm is not a prove, many preditors are harmless as long as they have a full stomach.
The way chicken learn that we are nice is through food. They learn that they can be around us without any risk of being harmed, that our touch doesn't hurt and being hold by us is not the end of the world. Once they know that, they get curious, Maybe they think that we are entertaining or charming in a chicky way.... or they decide that we are boring.
My chickens sit with me in the sun and some fly on my shoulder, some like to take a walk with me. All love to dig and to weed with me.
If you want to be loved by a dog, you feed him and take long walks with him, you play ball....
With a cat, you feed the cat, lay on the couch, bring her toys and play teasers..
For chickens digging in the dirt and weeding are activities they like and you can do to make you more attractive as a friend.
I had to put an end to that unfortunately, every time I went to weed a garden bed a passel of bantam chickens would come running to help, as they got older they weren't exactly helping anymore and all my soil and mulch was kicked out, though I do have good memories of our time gardening together.
@ oldhenlikesdogs: Thanks for answering my question. I suppose the thumbs-up symbol is the one that looks like a red flag.

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