No pet parade :(

I can come up with several ideas.... But I'm afraid they aren't very cool either. Things like:
Chuck in regular back pack!
Chuck in front baby bjorn pack!
Chuck in saddle bags!
Chuck in child bike seat!

I do like the front basket the best... But I understand how that isn't cool. I mean, I have one. And it has a pink flower on it.
Could you imagine Chuck and Buck in baby carriers? Hahaha. The amount of poop squished up into their bellies would be hilarious and sad all at the same time! It was bad enough when Chuck fired out his rear on the bike.... turd missiles.
I would rock the bike with the pink flower basket and duck in it. My son, on the other hand, would be the camp brat that followed me laughing and pointing at the old lady on a bike with a duck.
Could you imagine Chuck and Buck in baby carriers? Hahaha. The amount of poop squished up into their bellies would be hilarious and sad all at the same time! It was bad enough when Chuck fired out his rear on the bike.... turd missiles.
I would rock the bike with the pink flower basket and duck in it. My son, on the other hand, would be the camp brat that followed me laughing and pointing at the old lady on a bike with a duck.
Lolol. I was imagining the baby carriers having strategic tail/poop holes cut out. But I admit my ideas were flawed/uncool. I spend too much time tucking human children into carriers and booster seats.
Lolol. I was imagining the baby carriers having strategic tail/poop holes cut out. But I admit my ideas were flawed/uncool. I spend too much time tucking human children into carriers and booster seats.

HOWEVER!!!! We could get the baby front pack, cut poop holes, put the duck in it facing outwards, and have our own firing squad. Who needs laser tag when you have Chuck Tag!

hope no one steals our ideas and makes millions off it?
He is huge! Doesn’t help that he’s next to my kid who is so far from huge! It wasn’t easy riding him on the bike. James is trying to come up with a basket solution. He told me to just buy a bike with a basket so I can ride him around. Apparently boys bikes aren’t cool with baskets. Lol
I am pretty sure a duck in a basket would be a chick magnet 😂, no pun intended. Pretty sure he could pull off pink streamers and the clattery spoke things.

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