No Pip day 21?

It’s a hardened kinda lump just dried up blood it looks like it’s hard tiny pea size. Ok guys so the other one hatched totally same thing blood everywhere I am also concerned with it’s feet the seem to be turned in. Is there something I should do to help with that? Uhggg
That's fairly common, and the hard little lump will shrink and disappear or fall off in time. If you've got it cleaned up now, just leave it alone and it will heal.

The other chick will likely be fine, too. A bit of smeared blood is NORMAL as the umbilical cord detaches from the shell membrane. Unless he's actively bleeding somewhere, it's nothing to worry about. If he IS bleeding, press a bit of paper towel on the area until bleeding stops. Then leave it alone, but keep an eye on him. It should dry up soon.

Sometimes it takes a day or two for their feet to straighten out. Again, I'd leave him alone but watch him closely. He can survive on his absorbed yolk for food and water for a couple of days, but beyond that he'll need to be walking so he can eat and drink. Let us know how it goes, and if further help is needed, reach out.

They are stinking cute when they are first hatched! Ugly messy little things first out of the shell, but they fluff up into such darling little babies. 🐣💝
That's fairly common, and the hard little lump will shrink and disappear or fall off in time. If you've got it cleaned up now, just leave it alone and it will heal.

The other chick will likely be fine, too. A bit of smeared blood is NORMAL as the umbilical cord detaches from the shell membrane. Unless he's actively bleeding somewhere, it's nothing to worry about. If he IS bleeding, press a bit of paper towel on the area until bleeding stops. Then leave it alone, but keep an eye on him. It should dry up soon.

Sometimes it takes a day or two for their feet to straighten out. Again, I'd leave him alone but watch him closely. He can survive on his absorbed yolk for food and water for a couple of days, but beyond that he'll need to be walking so he can eat and drink. Let us know how it goes, and if further help is needed, reach out.

They are stinking cute when they are first hatched! Ugly messy little things first out of the shell, but they fluff up into such darling little babies. 🐣💝
I actually found a video of a bandaid method that works within the first few days. I made it little duck feet ! With the sticky part for the toes to be straight….And it’s going to remain in the incubator so I can keep an eye on it prob till tomorrow. I don’t want the other ones that hatched picking on it since they are running Round eating n drinking already. As for the blood it subsided like the other one did shortly after hatching. I cleaned it up tho this one so it didn’t roll all over it.
I actually found a video of a bandaid method that works within the first few days. I made it little duck feet ! With the sticky part for the toes to be straight….And it’s going to remain in the incubator so I can keep an eye on it prob till tomorrow. I don’t want the other ones that hatched picking on it since they are running Round eating n drinking already. As for the blood it subsided like the other one did shortly after hatching. I cleaned it up tho this one so it didn’t roll all over it.
I'd still wait a bit before putting the little bandaid shoes on it. The curled toes usually DO resolve on their own within a day or two.
There is one circumstance I'll recommend it. If your eggs are way late hatching, it can be a last second desperation test to convince yourself that none are alive just before you toss them. Usually for people where that is the first or second time incubating. And way late hatching.

I agree, trying this before you are ready to toss the eggs is a risk of contamination. I don't know of anything to recommend it before they are way late.. I've only done this once. My niece was visiting and I did it to show her that last egg was not alive so she could better accept tossing it.
If they are extremely late, I will make a small hole carefully.
You need to sit on your hands for a bit, take a deep breath, and trust Mother Nature to know what she's doing most of the time. Stop stressing! :hugs❤️
I agree with this completely. I've had newly hatched chicks with turned in feet. Give them at least 24 hours in the incubator with solid ground, move them to the brooder with solid ground (I mean use paper towels or something other than anything unsteady - nothing slick). You have to keep in mind the little birds are curled up inside the eggs pre-hatch; it takes a little bit for them to get their feet under them. Now, if they are splay legged within 2 days out of the incubator, I'd take some action.

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