No pips on day 22


May 26, 2024
I have 5 Orpington eggs in my incubator. It is currently day 22 and I can so no pips. I have been seeing movement especially from two of them but I cannot see any pips. I have candled them throughout and had to remove one that was infertile and there was one other one that didn’t look the same as the rest but I wasn’t 100% sure so I left it in but the rest were developing normally. I’ve hatched eggs before but never ones that have been shipped. I ordered them online from a hatchery and the orders were sent very quickly to me. All of the other chicks I’ve hatched that have not been shipped have hatched on day 21. I had cooling enabled on my brinsea so could that have delayed them? Is there still hope they could hatch? Also I can still see movement on day 22

I have no experience with incubatores, only broodies and eggs I picked up myself.

The time to hatch is influenced by circumstances. Up to day 24 is very well possible they hatch.

If you consider to open one egg, do read more about assisted hatch first. I know there is an article on that subject. I used that info for a latecomer last year.
I hatched 5 of 6 (also Orpingtons) in a Brinsea Mini Advance (without the cooling setting) on Friday. The last egg is still alive and only just internally pipped (I'm pretty sure) this evening at 5pm. I've been looking on here all weekend and the best I can tell is to just wait bc sometimes there's a late one. I think it I had alot more eggs others would have been hatching later too, but with such a small number this one late one really sticks out.

I'm not going to assist. Everything is happening in the right order for this one, and it's possible to be internally pipped for 24 hrs before externally pipping and then another 24 before hatching.

how is it going with yours now?
I candled mine and saw movement in two and couldn’t tell with another one. As well as what I think is an internal pip in all three but not 100% sure. But this morning I heard chirping for the first time so I’m holding out hope. I’m just worried since it seems odd that none of them have hatched.
I candled mine and saw movement in two and couldn’t tell with another one. As well as what I think is an internal pip in all three but not 100% sure. But this morning I heard chirping for the first time so I’m holding out hope. I’m just worried since it seems odd that none of them have hatched.
chirping is exciting, my last egg also chirped for the first time this morning! Seems like your whole hatch is just delayed but not lost. please post updates!

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