No shell eggs and now a strange output this morning


7 Years
Mar 30, 2017
We've got a Rhode Island Red 3 yrs old that has developed a strange condition. We have 5 other chickens eating the same diet (pellet layer food, some sunflower seeds, limited amount of meal worms, occasional cabbage) and are doing fine. I also must mention that we supply oyster shells and grit apart from the food and plenty of water. Upon starting to lay this season she has consistently layed eggs that either has no shell or a very thin shell. A couple of days ago we got to one before it got stepped on or otherwise destroyed that seemed to only have the outer membrane but appeared as a whole egg. Other seasons she was a very reliable egg layer. This morning we came upon a very strange 'glob' in the chicken yard where she was near. I will include a picture of it. At our wits end trying to figure out what is going on with her. I believe we will isolate her to see if she's actually eating the food supplied. Anyone have any suggestions??


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That runny dropping looks like it has some albumen in it, which could be caused by salpingitis (inflammation of the oviduct) or something wrong with her shell gland. If she has access to plenty of crushed oyster shell and layer feed, it probably is not a lack of calcium. You could try an experiment of giving a human calcium tablet with vitamin D3 for several days to see if it helps. But she might need an antibiotic to help fight infection that may lead eventually to egg yolk peritonitis. It may or may not help. Most are only available through a vet but sometimes you can find enrofloxacin or FishMox online. Be aware that enrofloxacin is banned for chickens, but it is sometimes given by vets to treat reproductive infection.

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