No turning first three days?


Mar 16, 2009
South Central PA
Does anyone do this? I've heard that some people don't turn their eggs at all the first three days. I've never done this before, what could go wrong by not turning the first three days? Anything, or nothing? What is the purpose of this, advantages etc?
The way I understand it, turning is especially important in the beginning so that the developing chick does not get stuck to the side of the shell. I've heard of people having successful no-turn hatches, but I think that's more their good luck than anything else. I know you don't turn the LAST three days - something about the orientation of the chick with the air bubble.
I just set some shipped eggs that had the membrane around the air cell loosened a bit and had them sit upright in the bator for 12 hours before starting the turner.
But three days seems like a long time...but I'm fairly new to incubating eggs, too.

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