No walk, but seems in good condition


5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
Italy Rimini
Hello, one of my hens, since 4 days slowly slowly has stopped to walk around the garden. Her feathers are good, she still eat and drink and seems apparently in good condition but doesn't walk. When I took it up the girl she try to fly and run if take freely her wings and legs. The first vet give me vefloxa and cortisone but the situation still the same tomorrow I'll try another vet, maybe with more specialties in this ground. Today I've saved her from a combined attack from 2 rooster and one of the older hen, why they do that? Now she is isolated. What do you think guys? Thanks
When I took it up the girl she try to fly and run if take freely her wings and legs.

What happened when she tried to run? Was she able to run or did she stumble or turn around in a circle? Did she stop walking all of the sudden? Or, looking back, did you notice signs and just attributed it to her being clumsy? We had a hen with all of that and we had to put her down. Vet mumbled something about Mereks disease, but I'm not sure he really knew. All we knew was that she was continuing to get worse, not better.

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