Noise Level of Wyandotte Roosters?


7 Years
Sep 26, 2012
I am looking forward to getting my first chickens next spring and trying to settle on a breed. I'd like to at least TRY to have a rooster - my area, while not remote, is relatively ag-friendly and there are no legal issues with the presence of a roo. I was leaning towards getting Wyandottes, but ran across some archived discussions online where people who had had several breeds were discussing the fact that the Wyandotte roosters were exceptionally high in volume. However, this is the only mention of such a phenomenon I've run across yet. I know much will depend upon the individual bird(s) I end up with, but if the breed is in fact known for being high decibel, I think I'd like to direct my energy elsewhere.

So, to those who have been around a variety of roo's...are the Wyandottes particularly loud or did I just run across some people who had ended up with a few outlier Wyandottes?

Thank you!
All roosters are loud. Young roosters are even louder. I find bantam roosters smaller than a silkie way too high in pitch, and very irritating. I like a real crow. Wyandottes would not be any louder than a barred rock or a Rhode island red. If you are looking for a quiet rooster, I can almost guarantee that you are out of luck. Every rooster is loud. I have plenty to compare :oops:

My loudest are my bantam Ameraucanas. My quietest is my NN so far. The lowest decibel crows come from the silkie pen. I don't have a pure Wyandotte rooster, but I have a mix Wyandotte X BR. He's not crowing yet.

I thought I'd mention that Wyandottes are not particularly friendly or good layers. They are easy on the eyes, okay layers, and quite timid. They do sell well :)

Also :welcome
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All roosters are loud. Young roosters are even louder. I find bantam roosters smaller than a silkie way too high in pitch, and very irritating. I like a real crow. Wyandottes would not be any louder than a barred rock or a Rhode island red. If you are looking for a quiet rooster, I can almost guarantee that you are out of luck. Every rooster is loud. I have plenty to compare

My loudest are my bantam Ameraucanas. My quietest is my NN so far. The lowest decibel crows come from the silkie pen. I don't have a pure Wyandotte rooster, but I have a mix Wyandotte X BR. He's not crowing yet.
I thought I'd mention that Wyandottes are not particularly friendly or good layers. They are easy on the eyes, okay layers, and quite timid. They do sell well


Thank you very much for the info. I know any rooster will be loud, but I would like to avoid getting something that is known for being louder than average. Sounds like I ran across some people who just had an odd experience with their roosters.

And thanks for the welcome!
Thank you very much for the info.  I know any rooster will be loud, but I would like to avoid getting something that is known for being louder than average.  Sounds like I ran across some people who just had an odd experience with their roosters.  

And thanks for the welcome!
I would suggest getting a mature rooster as to avoid the teenage stage where they crow at all hours, almost non-stop. After a year they will start to relax and not be so loud. At least that is my experience. My barred rock crowed constantly before a year old. There was 6 months there where he wouldn't take a breath.

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