Noisy Angry chickens want to free range


In the Brooder
Mar 14, 2020
I made the mistake of letting my chickens free range out from the run for a couple of days. Now every morning they squawk loudly and I have to get up early to let them out. I’m not doing this 😩 Anyway to fix that problem? Much appreciated
I made the mistake of letting my chickens free range out from the run for a couple of days. Now every morning they squawk loudly and I have to get up early to let them out. I’m not doing this 😩 Anyway to fix that problem? Much appreciated

Be hardhearted and leave them shut in--at some point, they will give up on the squawking.

If you make a point of never letting them out early, they may be quieter in the early mornings (maybe "never earlier than 9," or whatever time fits your schedule.)
Be hardhearted and leave them shut in--at some point, they will give up on the squawking.

If you make a point of never letting them out early, they may be quieter in the early mornings (maybe "never earlier than 9," or whatever time fits your schedule.)
Thank u!!!!!
My wife calls them bully birds. Now and then I let them out of the run to free range. I don’t dare leave them alone. We live in the woods with every imaginable predator. I let em out and the next day they rush the door! It’s pretty funny but they intimidate everyone but me. I say let them fuss and they will get over it. They can enjoy the times they DO get.
I am nervous our neighbors are going to report a noise nuisance for our birds in the morning. Sometimes they start as early as 6:15 am!! I leave the coop open and they would have access to the run when they got up. But now they sleep on the roosts in the run and want of of there🤦 We are looking into an automatic door, just have to figure out what is the best for our set up and the chickens' safety.
How long have you kept them confined 24/7....
.....and not gone out to 'see' when they are fussing?

How old are these birds, in weeks or months?
How many birds do you have?
How big is your coop and run, in feet by feet?
Dimensions and pics would help here.

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