Noisy BA

one of my BA's was quite noisy, especially in the a.m. when she started laying...not so much now but every now and then I hear her, even with the windows closed. I wonder if I hear it more cause I'm up early and are more in tuned to what's going on outside in the coop at that time. Same type of scenario and neighbors somewhat similar. No complaints. Thank goodness she's not a rooster.
Ok good, it sounds like there may be hope for her. I think I remember several years ago when I got my first ones that they yelled a lot! I ended up keeping a couple of the quietest ones and added a couple later when my first one died. Had my last two girls for several years and rarely heard a sound from them. Lost my 7 yr old girl in July but added the four 4 month old girls to the coop shortly before that. My lone 4 year old girl wasn't happy but they all seem to get along now. She laid her last egg on the first day that one of my new BA laid her first. She is definitely molting now so hopefully she will lay again after her molt. Strange because although she is 4 yrs old, I don't recall her ever molting before. I have always gotten large brown eggs consistently from her. Is that unusual?

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