Noisy incubators

Prettiest Frog

Cooped Up
10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
I can clearly hear many distinct chirps, but no pips yet and they aren't due until tomorrow. I guess these little marans feel the need to announce their arrival well in advance to ensure the red carpet is in place.
And now??? What's the count now? How many went into lock down? What all went into lock down? (breeds?) You are aware, aren't you, that pictures of ALL newly hatched fuzzy butts is now required??? Hmmmmmm????
Can't wait to see them. Are these to become more of Rhonda's Minions in due time??? She Who Dwells Under The Staircase will NOT be pleased to hear this!!

Congrats on the new fuzzy butts PF!!! Ya done did good!
Current - 4 marans, 2 olive eggers. One pipped maran taking it's sweet time about it, and one maran that didn't make it.

Camera is missing again.

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