Noisy noisy chicken


7 Years
May 15, 2012
My olive egger, Olive, squawks her head off for an hour at a time. My neighbors haven't complained yet but I'm waiting for them to - I would! I know part of the reason is she wants to get out of the run - sometimes I let her roam through the garden, but I just planted a lot of new starts and don't want the girls to dig them up. Any suggestions for how to settle her down (and quiet her down?)
Is she randomly squawking or singing the egg song after laying? If it's the egg song, there's not much you can do to curb it. If it's a yelling at the door thing, then give them something to do; throw in a head of cabbage or a melon, a forage cake or treat ball, or even shiny things to keep them busy and occupied (and move the various things around every few days to keep it new to them). Or put chicken wire around your new plantings and set them loose.
She does go on a bit after she's laid, but it's more random squawking that's the problem. I'll try the cabbage thing!
Even with a rooster, I find it surprising how much noise hens make. They can be 200 feet away from the nest and start carrying on like the egg song. They aren't as loud as the rooster, but they sure can be noisy.


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