Noobie in Nebraska


In the Brooder
Sep 21, 2020
Totally new to chicken - unless you count the egg incubated for school when I was 5 (a long while back)
I don't have any chickens yet, doing the research first and have to have a license where I am.
My friend has easter eggers and has offered me chicks in the spring - so that's the plan. I do also like the Barred Rock.
Intention for raising is eggs and meat.

Other stuff I do besides work - I have my dogs, cross stitch, knit, crochet, spin, and my orchid collection. I try to garden, I do way better with the flowers than the veggies. Came to BYC at the suggestion of my city planning board. They require membership in an exhibition organization like 4-H, etc. I guess I exhibit my chickens thru pictures so it counts?? government - ya just don't ask and roll with it so here I am.

I hope to learn lots especially how to get started without spending a bundle. Starting anything is always expensive.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Definitely stop by our Learning Center for all kinds of good reading on all the aspects of keeping chickens from building the coop, raising the chicks and keeping your flock healthy...

Browse the forums and ask as many questions as needed. Welcome aboard!

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