
I am slapping virtual handcuffs on you so please put your hands on your head!!!!!! Sorry about the lost one. Maybe when we candle we could completely encase the whole area in foam rubber!!!
My Ecos arrived today. I was so happy to see them and get them all cleaned up and ready. I got the SPot check with these just to be safe. Wel......So much for Factory Pre set temps. After just 20 mins my 2 ecos were pushing 104 degrees!!! I couldnt tell if it was the Spot check or the incubator since I have never used a spot check before. Well I couldnt tell the temp from the glass thermometers either because the mercury was seperated. I did as Brinsea told me to do and put them in hot water but it did not work. So I took my LG thermometer and placed it in my Advanced which has been running for 2 weeks and I didnt care what it said, All I had to do was match that temp. So I did that and I have finally gotten 1 Eco stable and all set (Pics to come) and I am working on lowering the temps in the other right now.....

Anyone elses Eco of Advanced for that matter come set wrong???? My Advanced was spot on but these ecos were not. Will post pics and egg count later. I have some beautiful unexpected eggs due to arrive Monday so I will have to fit those in somewhere.
Okay....I have all the incubators set up and Almost loaded. Expecting some eggs next week. Is this a Brinsea Advertisement or what?


As for my eggs......Currently I have 14 BLRW, 12 Silkie, 4 SLW/Americauna mix 4Silkie Frizzle mix, 2 Buff Orpingtons and 33 Mutts. This does not include the eggs in my Hovabator ;-) sorry , I am always afraid that will happen to me. the setup! I put mine on top of the entertainment center...right at eye level. ChickTV
Oh well. I'll still play along for the company though.

If it makes you feel better, that is what most of us are doing here anyhow... the odds of winning seems to be slimmer each month!

I got EGGS!!!! REAL Orpington eggs!!! I'm soooo excited!! Time to upgrade from hatchery types chickens!
So, tomorrow I'll be setting 25 eggs, 13 of which are shipped, the other 12 are from my humble flock. Let's see, that would make the hatch day, uhh, the 21st of May.
So, I realized my butterfingered incident resulted in another egg getting damaged, and I hadn't even realized it (I was so focused on the dropped egg I didn't notice!). I dropped the egg on another egg, and caused a nickle sized indent with some pretty long cracks extending out. I (carefully) candled this egg, and found that the embryo was quite active and very much alive. I covered the area with tape to seal it up, since the inner membrane is exposed, but thankfully intact. Hoping the egg makes it!

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