Normal Flock Size?

Responding to the original thread starter. We have 41 birds chickens, guineas, and game fowl. You can't really average the number of chickens people have, it varies to much. For beginners, I'd say 6-18 would be a sufficing number.
Too many??????

No, 13 is a good number imo. But chicken math will get you and quickly turn that 13 into, oh, 2 dozen, maybe 30.... I only wanted 6, now I have difficulty keeping myself down to 18! And I'm guessing some of those 18 are gonna have babies soon enough, putting me right back up around the 30 mark... Oh man, is my husband ever gonna love me then! :gig:rant
you need 2 chickens per family member. find our in your town if you are allowed to have rooster and buy a shed not a tiny chicken coop you need to build a secure chicken run. that means dig a ditch and secure wire underground. I made mine 8 feet high(I have two grandson's 6 ft 5 inchs.) with wire in the ditch and also the posts are in the ditch. It is no fun seeing predators kill your chickens. we have wire overhead as we have hawks .mine is attached to the coop. with 2 gates quite a bit more work than you would think . I had an old meat shed and bought a shed 16x12 ft so we will use the old shed next winter when we get a pop door and roosts. but turned the new 16x12 coop into breeding pens. so the run goes from one coop to the other. I bought my chicken's from breeders but most feed stores sell min of 6 you do not have to get all the same breed unless you want pure breeding with a rooster

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