Normal for a new layer?


11 Years
Aug 17, 2008
Northwest WA State
Last week a first time layer laid an egg five days in a row. Last three days...nothing. Is this normal to have this long of a lapse? There does not seem to be any change in the hens physical condition an demeaner. She does not appear or give any indication of being sick. Should I be worried or take som type of action?
I have 11 white leghorns. One laid at 18 weeks, for a couple days and stopped Some of my chix didn't lay til 26 weeks. I get as few as 4. Today I got 10, they are all 28 weeks. I think they lay when they feel like it.

Thanks for the words of wisdom. She layed again this morning. I, like everyone else new to this, need to be more patient. It is just that inexperience always raises questions.
We have eggs, 5 days ago was the first,hes are 22 weeks old. Alot of the eggs have blood spots in them, (ick) is this normal? And will this stop? And also I am getting alot of double yoke eggs, will this continue once they lay bigger eggs...I do have a rooster in with them.,
Out of the 7-9 eggs a day I get, one has more raised shell than the others,it scrapes off when they get washed. Looks funny though.
once I got a dbl. yolker. I was the only one who thought it was a big deal, but the only thing better than a dippy egg is one egg with two dippys lol.

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