Noromectin for goats???????


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 19, 2007
i have a brand new bottle of noromectin- can i use this for worms in goats? its injectable- what would the dosage be? thanks a bunch- shari*
any of the 'mectins work some on external parasites but if u have a lot, u will ahve to find other ways.. depends on if u are milking, they are pregnant, etc.

what kind of parasites externally?

btw, i mostly liked to dose almost anything BUT ANTIBIOTICS orally, although when giving orally, if u are using injectable 'mectin, u may have to up the dosage, sorry cant remember anymore , plus i knew everything in kilos...
if u have oral 'mectin, then u can google for the dosage. btw, also for the injected stuff u can google theres a lot of good sites for goats.

if u use the stuff nut sure when u can use their milk, cause it does go in to their milk but since all that stuff is not proscribed actually for goats, it wont say on the bottle.
any of the 'mectins work some on external parasites but if u have a lot, u will ahve to find other ways.. depends on if u are milking, they are pregnant, etc.

what kind of parasites externally?

btw, i mostly liked to dose almost anything BUT ANTIBIOTICS orally, although when giving orally, if u are using injectable 'mectin, u may have to up the dosage, sorry cant remember anymore , plus i knew everything in kilos...
if u have oral 'mectin, then u can google for the dosage. btw, also for the injected stuff u can google theres a lot of good sites for goats.

if u use the stuff nut sure when u can use their milk, cause it does go in to their milk but since all that stuff is not proscribed actually for goats, it wont say on the bottle.
What would you recommend for a milking doe?
the way i did it was: pre breeding, i wormed; and prekidding, i wormed again. i always dried up my goats before breeding . actually, we let it happen naturally, since it was for a petting zoo and the milk was for personal use. dairies use other worming /breeding plans. i know that ivomectin and noromectic et al are all ''off label' for goats, therefore noone can tell you a real answer.

you didnt say: what parasites? because there are other chemical sprays that can be used on lactating goats like dips and sprays, against flies and things, i just tried to never use anything but pro active methods, like maintaining clean goat barn, and using natural hormone fly traps. but here we dont have many problems apart from ticks, and that only in pasturing herds. mine stayed in a yard so flies were the problem (and scabies/worms/mosquitoes).remember that goats are not horses and not dogs so make sure if u use a dip, it is meant for sheep or goats and not like someone once gave me a huge bottle of something that 'works great on horses' and i asked if i can use it on goats and they said ' sure' . when i double checked (hysterical that i am), my goat vet told me no way. so often , feed/saddle/agri store clerks dont always know everything (or at least not in israel, where saying 'sure' is seen as better then saying 'dont know, i will check'.

i used to use a site called 'fias co farms' (google like i spelled it).. and most of their instructions advice and 'way of doing' were a great help to me for anything that had to do with goats. its an amazing site. i dont remember if she used normectin but for all things goat, she is number one in my eyes.
the other place is goat-link.

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