Northeastern Poultry Congress - Springfield, Mass - Jan 14-15, 2012

Had a GREAT time at show...only my 2nd & only 1st Congress. Picked up some nice birds and a last minute impulse buy. Got 2 nice standard Cochins from Jamie Matts (Stoopid called them "beachballs")! Red Roof Inn will never be the same! Probably won't be at DE show but will be at Sussex and hope to bring a bunch of Silkie chicks to sell. Might even try to mix my new black white crested hen that I bought from a nice young lady to my Silkie roos & see what the chicks look like, just for fun! P.S. Roberta may call herself Stoopid, but BOY, can she pack a car! We left with more than we came and by the end of trip the car LITERALLY smelled like a pig sty! Took plenty of pics,will try to post if I can figure out how!
I was at the show and bought 3 really nice bantams. It seemed that ALL the chickens for sale were bantams. Where were the chicks and bigger birds others have written about? I must of completely missed them

I did meet Stoopid, urrrrr, Roberta at the BYC table and got a cool "Chillin with My Peeps" bumper sticker which has already been commented on by my co-worker this morning
Vera, that stink is all yours. I hope it comes out! And I hope it stays out when the weather gets warm. Even my drunken puke smell has gone away faster than your beachball chicken butt smell!

But hey, what are peeps for? I'm sure it will keep DH from borrowing my car for the next few weeks. Errrr, MONTHS!
Aww Thanks Mallory. Yes that would be my stuff underneath
and I had to put my name on them b/c I lose them without doing that. I get sooo airheaded I forget where I put what

Maybe at BPS we can hook up!
Thanks Beth! Me too! I absolutely love him, he is the sweetest thing! I know I wish I could have met you too, I went past by your birds a few times (I knew they were yours because there were boxes underneath that said "Beth" and had a CT phone number lol) hoping to see you but I'm sure you were out looking at the other birds just like I was! Your birds are even more beautiful in person :) Hopefully I will meet you and other CT peeps at another show!!
Hi Everyone,
Shoulda come back up Sunday rather than go to that stupid home show on Sunday...not even a drop as much fun!
I love my turkens, and I know people thing they are ugly, but then again, some people think Angelina Jolie is not attractive!
Both yours and Lexi's birds looked great and did awesome!!!! Congrats on the wins

My daughter had a good day. Her three birds placed. Me, not so much only one of my three placed. I really have to figure out how to put an end to her picking all the best silkies to show and me getting "leftovers." Haha. But, she enjoys it so much I feel badly taking any of that away from her. Here are her birds:

You both did a wonderful job with the table and helping new people!! Good Job ladies

Oh, please. I was only the decorator. You were the instigator. And you're like five minutes older than me - jeez!

(Although I must admit the sign looked pretty great by the end of the day!) Pics coming soon - I left my camera in the car and now that I am in my slippers, I'm not going back out! It took over an hour for my hands to get warm again after I unloaded the birds.

Woot! Can't wait to do this again next year! The year before it had snowed like two feet, but it was warmer. I even have a fav restaurant and hotel now, so I have to come back!

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