Northeastern Poultry Congress - Springfield, Mass - Jan 14-15, 2012

Thanks for offering to help, Roberta! We'll have a better idea where the table will be on the 8th when we get everything set up.
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Cell phones is best. It is amazing how you can miss meeting up with people in such a small space. Happens to me every show.

Julie, if I was closer, I'd come help do set up. Having only been to the show for the first time last year, I knew right away I wanted to come back- you guys do a great job! I'll be dragging ten birds with me (kicking and screaming), seven of them LF.

Thanks for giving us space to have a table!
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hi everyone, does anyone know if birds have to be signed up to do showmanship or just tested? i missed the admission deadline
, but it would be great if i could still be in the showmanship class!
We're coming from SWNH, we'll be there barring any big storm events.
We plan to take in all the different breds to determine what we would like to have for our upcoming flocks.

In order for birds to compete in showmanship they must be tested. Showmanship signups are on Saturday. Pm me about a show entry.
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Shows are the bast place to learn a lot about different breeds. Ask tons of questions - no one doesn't love to spout off on their favorite breeds (ahem - faverolles!) But make sure you do you research just the same when you get back home. Pick up an exhibitor's list and make notes on it of who you talked to and what birds they have - believe me, you won't remember when you get home. Gee, how do I know that? Take pictures of the breeds you like, then get back on BYC on those threads to learn more.

The most important thing for people just learning is to get over being shy about approaching people. You only have a few hours to squeeze all that knowledge out of the breeders - don't let that opportunity pass you by.

AND - Make sure to stop by the BYC table!

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