Northeastern Poultry Congress - Springfield, Mass - Jan 15-16, 2011

Thanks. I think maybe I'll bring some extras with me.

I am hoping to get their again this year! Had alot of fun last year & brought home some sweet peeps

I am looking for Silkie pullets/ young Hens any color but black ( I already have 4 black hens lol) pet quality is also fine...
I am also looking for bantam mottled Cochin pullets/young hens to add to my trio...

Thx & take care ~~Jen~~
Thanks. I think maybe I'll bring some extras with me.

OMG I need one! What colors do you have and what day will you be attending?!

I'm planning to be there on Saturday morning (I hear that's when the chicken "sales room" is open!).
What color do you want?
Here's the link to a current auction and an idea of some of the colors we have:


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OMG I need one! What colors do you have and what day will you be attending?!

I'm planning to be there on Saturday morning (I hear that's when the chicken "sales room" is open!).
What color do you want?
Here's the link to a current auction and an idea of some of the colors we have:[/url]

They are so darn cute [IMG] I'm thinking I may want a gray one lol
will know more in a few days if I can/ will be there!
OMG I need one! What colors do you have and what day will you be attending?!

I'm planning to be there on Saturday morning (I hear that's when the chicken "sales room" is open!).
What color do you want?
Here's the link to a current auction and an idea of some of the colors we have:[/url]

I sent you a PM! [IMG]
I'm planning to be there on Saturday morning (I hear that's when the chicken "sales room" is open!).
What color do you want?
Here's the link to a current auction and an idea of some of the colors we have:[/url]

They are so darn cute [IMG] I'm thinking I may want a gray one lol
will know more in a few days if I can/ will be there!

Ok, PM me and let me know if you'll be there b/c we'll have to make more up!
Yay, I'm going to be there Saturday morning too! I'd like 3 adult sized ones, preferably sunflower, slate blue and light pink.

Alrighty! Can you PM me with your real name and a cell phone number so I can contact you there? Thanks!

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