Northeastern Poultry Congress - Springfield, Mass - Jan 15-16, 2011

For those who have shown at this show, can you give me the run down of how it works? We are arriving on Saturday morning. Do the birds go in through the front of that building? Is there a different loading area? Inspection stations.... ect? What time are there people there in the morning, what is the earliest you can arrive? What time is it open until on Friday night should we decide to come in on Friday night. Thanks in advance!
I'd like to know what is the earliest you can arrive on Saturday also. I have 9 birds too coop in saturday morning.

Me three!!!! I only have 1 bantam though!
I'd like to know what is the earliest you can arrive on Saturday also. I have 9 birds too coop in saturday morning.

The show hall will be open for early coop in from 3 till around 8-9 and reopens Saturday around 7.
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Saturday is the best day for sales, and for going to the show in general. Sunday is more for awards, although you may get some good deals on birds people don't want to bring home.
Is anyone selling a splash silkie hen or another color besides white or black? Looking for an interesting hen to add to my flock. I would take chicks, but I know it is cold.

I am not allowed any roos which really stinks though!
Everyone in my basket weaving group wants stuff from the Dr. Suess type stores. I say, go yourself, I want chickens!

We really did exceptional on the snow, probably a foot or so for us here in Maine- er Western Maine, I'm sure it was more or less up here, you poor people got hosed!
Looking forward to seeing this place, but I'm getting cold feet about the lengthy travel ! (they don't let me out of town that often...lucky for most normal people!)
Annie, you better get there early - most shows that end on Sunday start packing up at 10 am. There's a great rush to get out, and some vendors are already closed. Saturday is really the day to go. Just warning you, because I did this before and got there when everyone was leaving.
So, do the BYCers meet somewhere during the show? I know that some of you will be meeting at the hotel but I will be there on Saturday. I would like to meet some of you and put some faces with the names. If someone is wearing on of those cute chicken hats I'll introduce myself. Any suggestions?

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