Northeastern Poultry Congress - Springfield, Mass - Jan 15-16, 2011

I do agree about there not being as many breeds that you would think a show of this size would generate. I think the fact that it is held in the coldest part of the year may be a reason, or maybe the snowstorm held back a lot of exhibitors. I thought there would be a much bigger selection of birds for sale too. I did end up getting a really nice splash modern game banty roo and a very pretty blue hen too. Gretchen, I met up with Maria and got my little modern babies you sent up for me and the eggs! She made me chickle when she said I can thatnk the state of NY if they are scrambled! LOL...The roads were so full of frost heaves that they probably are, but we shall see in about a month! I looked at the feet on that one chick and will see if there is anything that may be done, but usually unless ya catch it right away, they will stay like that. I shall call her Gippy! LOL So my new pair is in their quarrantine cage, wormed and treated for creepy crawlies just as a precautionary measure. I hate bugs! I wish I spent a little more time there, but was lucky enough that the hubby puts up with me and this obsession as it is! hahaha
Have a great show everyone and adopt a chicken today! LOL
We had a great time at our FIRST poultry show ever! Met lots of fello BYCers, spoke with lots of knowledgeable and friendly breeders, got three new babies and sold a bunch of chicken hats!

Here I am with my baby girl checking out the sales room:

These are my two girls inspecting the game hens. HEY, where are THEIR chicken hats?!?

A couple of my best customers


Junior competitors. So cute.

MY NEW BABIES!!! Meet my new Silver Spangled Hamburgs: Sally, Stella & Hazel! Now my only roo, Simon, (also a SSH) will have a job to do!




This is Simon, I hatched him this summer BUT my lone SSH hen was taken by a hawk recently (hence the three replacements).
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Well I went today. Great show and so nice to see everyone. Shay20 I wish I got to speak with you more

I picked up some eggs, 2 dozen seramas and 1 dozen rumpless aracaunas. I wonder if you guys are on here? Ex. #90?

Darleen I think i saw you today, but you were talking in the parking lot i didn't want to interrupt.

I spent most of my time admiring the cornish.

Edited to add I will upload pics soon
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Had a great time at the show today.
Left before the silkie judging even started. Wondering if they finished judging the silkies today or will they do that tomorrow? Took a bunch of pictures...maybe I will upload them later. so exhausted.
Missed you gals today! i saw a young lady showing a dark cornish like Sarah's...I need me one of cute!

Not to worry Sarah has one all picked out for you... She is very sweet....

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