Northeastern Poultry Congress - Springfield, Mass - Jan 15-16, 2011

It was great to meet everyone Sat. The little showgirls are in a laundry basket near of the pellet stove, singing away, and the big girl silkie is in her laundry basket in a cooler guestroom. All very beautiful birds. Wore my purple chicken hat all day, even in the movies later (If you want to see a GREAT flick, go see "The Kings Speech". Amazing). A terrific day in all!

Shay...I know a great place to get Sumatra's late Spring for almost nothing. If interested, PM me.
Cheers Everyone!

Still here in Springfield and headed over from the hotel to the Big E after submitting my note here. Great day yesterday met some of you but not all. Saw a few at the Chinese restaurant for lunch yesterday. I got a Reserve of Breed for my BW ameraucana hen. My wheaten pair also took bv and my brown red araucana got a 1st for his aov. The judge gave out two bv to black araucana hens which seemed odd. One of mine and my buddy Black Rose who has quite a few nice black araucanas. I also sold out all of my ducks and several other trios and pairs of birds to a very nice couple. I think they read here, my thanks to them!

My buff leghorn hen had no competition for her color variety but didn't go any further than best of V.

Anyway, back to the show, I will be around the araucana and ameraucana pens mostly.
I met a few, wish it was more of you, but there were plenty of folks that we met. What a wonderful day yesterday and cannot wait for next year. We headed out around 1 pm, saw all there was to see- or we thought, I was exhausted and drove part way home napping the last half of the way home. What an amazing day to see such striking birds. Everyone in that place deserved a blue ribbon as far as we were concerned. Beautiful job guys, amazing.

See you around the board and looking forward to next years show! (we even met club members showing- how cool)
Had a great time at the show on Saturday. I love, love, love my new Blue Marans, bantam RIR, bantam black cochin and Wheaten Ameraucana girls. And hubby, daughter and I all love our new chicken hats. I wasn't able to stay long, so I didn't get a chance to meet everyone. Sorry to those I missed!

Here are a few pictures I took. Please correct me if I've mislabeled any.


Russian Orloff


Blue Copper Marans (I think)


Standard Modern Game (I think)


Red Shouldered Yokohama


Lavender Silkie


Blue Frizzle Bantam Cochin




Bantam Light Brahma
I saw all of the nametags someone made.... BUTTTTTT I didn't wear mine because that's a little too personal. Anyways.... I got 4th place out of 14 people in the intermediate showmanship!!!!! I also got a "3" out of 5 or 6 or something because my d'anver was molting. I got a new chicken too!!!!! I got a bantam black old english for $10.... and it's very nice quality!!!!! I named it Rosarita. I'll get some pics up of it soon. I can't wait until next year!!!!
The Chickens' Maid :

Just curious . . . who was showing the seramas?

Dick Hauff, from Agawam MA. I love how they are all so different.​
Just got home a little while ago. I got BV and RV in brd buffs. There were 12 brd buffs - 6 pullets 6 hens. I also got 1st 2nd, and 3rd brd buff hens and my pullets were 1st 2nd and 3rd. I got 1st brd white cockerel, there were 3 of those, and 2nd brd white pullet. There were around 8ish brd white pullets. Also got BV in splash with a brd pullet. There were only 3 splashes, 2 males and my pullet, so I got 1st pullet there. Was a good show. Can't wait till next year. :) I'll have to put up some pictures later.
i got a couple bv's and (i think) 2nd place in showmenship (they weren't very clear about it)... my leghorn was in the wrong division-adult when it should have been junior, so she didn't place... oh well! i got a nice new blue modern pullet and a serama from shay-they are both so pretty!!! i'll put up pics later... i can't wait for next year's show!!

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