Northeastern Poultry Congress - Springfield, Mass - Jan 15-16, 2011

i went today. didnt find any ducks to buy.

beautiful chickens!! i couldnt get over how many bantams there were! rows and rows!!!! my favorite was checking out the large waterfowl.

btw: didnt meet anyone from byc either
wasnt sure where the name tags were, i made my own up, placed it on the outside of my jacket, then it fell off somewhere between walking around etc.

oh and me and my daughter had a overly stale hard pretzel. yuck.

on a good side note tho, the ribbons some of people won were real nice!!
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intermediate-i was the one with the green 4-h shirt; i can't believe i forgot to bring my nice white showmenship shirt!

Oh ok i know u now
how is she doing
How do you put an ad in the Poultry Press for the show? Like right now in the poultry press, on several of the pages people have put ads in for the show, saying what they won, etc and they are all grouped together by show? I emailed the poultry press but didn't get a response.
Just a quick shout out: Thanks Shay for the blue silkie and belgian d'anver. They are doing well and enjoying their new digs.

Just curious if anyone knows who was selling the button quail inside near the chicken products??? Thanks for the help.
From me ? Which one were u

actually my lil sister bought it cause it "seemed the calmest" , but it's comb was purplish and it's feathers were ruffled and me and my mom and my 4-H leader all agreed that it looked like it might be sick so we convinced my sister to return it and get a different one. we are much happier with the new one, but now my sister wants to name it "pamala" or something
Aww ok i have her inside her comb is back to normal ooow i really think she got chilled but now she looks as if nothing was wrong thats cute the name

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