Northeastern Poultry Congress - Springfield, Mass - Jan 15-16, 2011

I'm sure you meant, "hat" and YOU'RE WELCOME! Let's see a picture of you wearing it!

Lol yep i meant hat
I didnt get a chance to meet you yesterday, but I am sure we will run into each other seeing as we are in the same town! LOL i think we each got a blue modern from the same guy. He was along the wall and had them in a pink carrier? I also got a nice splash cockerel from him too. I was regretting that I did not talk more with him about his Shamo's he had there. I picked up my modern chicks from Gretchen, who had Maria deliver them to the show for me! They are so tiny, blues and birchens are the colors! This morning when I went to feed and let my birds out for the day, I turned the feed bowl over to fill it and one of my modern hens had somehow gotten trapped under the bowl at some point during the night! The poor thing was almost dead she was ice cold and soaking wet from the condensation that had built up under the bowl. So now she is inside my studio after a warm bath to raise her body temp, some peanut butter for protein and she seems to be doing great! I have to remember to take that bowl out of the coop at night now!

yeah, that's the guy i bought mine from too! this is my first modern and i've decided i absolutly love them! they're so pretty! at first i wanted a lemon blue, but i could only find pairs and trios, an i really don't want more roosters, so i'm glad i found this one. oh, and the guy's mother apparently lives in hollis, too... isn't that crazy?? anyway, i guess i'll see you around!

Yes, you are going to fall in ove with the moderns. They were my first breed of chiocken when I got into having them as pets about 11 years ago. They love to chat with you, they are like a siamese cat in a way! I have his phone number, I am going to call him about the Shamo and ask him some more questions. I think I had read someplace they cannot take the cold weather, and are even less tolerable of it than the moderns. His mom actually lives in CT. She is a doll collector and we were discussing all the doll artists and she was interested in seeing some of my doll sculpts that I have made. Oh well, let me know how your bird is doing, i think my pullet is her sibling. Did he tell you she was laying yet? Oh, and if you decide on a roo, I may have an extra. one thing with the modern roos is they are pretty tolerable of each other in my experience.
yeah, that's the guy i bought mine from too! this is my first modern and i've decided i absolutly love them! they're so pretty! at first i wanted a lemon blue, but i could only find pairs and trios, an i really don't want more roosters, so i'm glad i found this one. oh, and the guy's mother apparently lives in hollis, too... isn't that crazy?? anyway, i guess i'll see you around!

Yes, you are going to fall in ove with the moderns. They were my first breed of chiocken when I got into having them as pets about 11 years ago. They love to chat with you, they are like a siamese cat in a way! I have his phone number, I am going to call him about the Shamo and ask him some more questions. I think I had read someplace they cannot take the cold weather, and are even less tolerable of it than the moderns. His mom actually lives in CT. She is a doll collector and we were discussing all the doll artists and she was interested in seeing some of my doll sculpts that I have made. Oh well, let me know how your bird is doing, i think my pullet is her sibling. Did he tell you she was laying yet? Oh, and if you decide on a roo, I may have an extra. one thing with the modern roos is they are pretty tolerable of each other in my experience.

my modern (who's sitting on my shoulder as we speak
) isn't laying yet-she's only about 3 months, the guy said. she's a real sweetheart
oh, do you know if they're supposed to have blue earlobes? i don't really care, but i am curious...
Yes, you are going to fall in ove with the moderns. They were my first breed of chiocken when I got into having them as pets about 11 years ago. They love to chat with you, they are like a siamese cat in a way! I have his phone number, I am going to call him about the Shamo and ask him some more questions. I think I had read someplace they cannot take the cold weather, and are even less tolerable of it than the moderns. His mom actually lives in CT. She is a doll collector and we were discussing all the doll artists and she was interested in seeing some of my doll sculpts that I have made. Oh well, let me know how your bird is doing, i think my pullet is her sibling. Did he tell you she was laying yet? Oh, and if you decide on a roo, I may have an extra. one thing with the modern roos is they are pretty tolerable of each other in my experience.

my modern (who's sitting on my shoulder as we speak
) isn't laying yet-she's only about 3 months, the guy said. she's a real sweetheart
oh, do you know if they're supposed to have blue earlobes? i don't really care, but i am curious...

They should have dark facial skin, but I have seen the blue lobes on lighter colored birds. I wonder if they have a booklet available on the standards for them thru the modern game club of America. We should look into that. I have not shown mine yet, but this year I plan on trying to show. I have never done it, so am curious. I showed a lot of dogs in my day, but not chickens!
I wondered who had the Banter!!!! I have 2 hens, I love them so much. At some point down the road, I'd like a bunch of eggs, only because I love the breed, not for show. This is the pullet last year she now lays a slightly smaller white egg then her mom. This girl actually has a better head dress then either mom or dad.

I wondered who had the Banter!!!! I have 2 hens, I love them so much. At some point down the road, I'd like a bunch of eggs, only because I love the breed, not for show. This is the pullet last year she now lays a slightly smaller white egg then her mom. This girl actually has a better head dress then either mom or dad.

That is i i waited for a year to show them waiting for them to fully come into there feathers nice
my modern (who's sitting on my shoulder as we speak
) isn't laying yet-she's only about 3 months, the guy said. she's a real sweetheart
oh, do you know if they're supposed to have blue earlobes? i don't really care, but i am curious...

They should have dark facial skin, but I have seen the blue lobes on lighter colored birds. I wonder if they have a booklet available on the standards for them thru the modern game club of America. We should look into that. I have not shown mine yet, but this year I plan on trying to show. I have never done it, so am curious. I showed a lot of dogs in my day, but not chickens!

Maybe this will help. found this on line too lazy to dig out the book. Love seeing more modern lovers, they are great little guys. Sarah has a few coming as soon as this weather settles down.... Also the modern game club is a great source of information
I wondered who had the Banter!!!! I have 2 hens, I love them so much. At some point down the road, I'd like a bunch of eggs, only because I love the breed, not for show. This is the pullet last year she now lays a slightly smaller white egg then her mom. This girl actually has a better head dress then either mom or dad.

That is one funky chicken lol

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