NOT an emergency--Chick with eye stuck shut


7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
Hi all---

I checked on my chicks this evening and noticed one of my little White Leghorns had an eye that appeared to be stuck shut. It's not bloody, gooey, or crusty. I used a warm, damp washcloth and wiped gently until her eye popped back open. She seems totally fine--eating, drinking, playing, etc. If this happens again, is it alright to use terramycin ointment (like what the vet would give you for a cat's infected eye)? Thanks!!
Thank you for your input! I'll keep an eye on her. I recently switched from Carefresh litter to pine shavings, so maybe the switch irritated her. It's also possible she got pecked. The little chicks are getting really curious and kind of pecking at anything and everything that grabs their attention! I have some terramycin on hand (I'm forever nursing litters of orphan kittens), so I will use that if necessary.

Thanks again!
glad your chick is doing better, our vet said we can buy carefresh online in bulk, but I have not been able to find a site, were do you purchase your carefresh?
I keep bottles of saline solution (for contact lenses) on hand- sterile, small stream that is easy to direct. You can use it on just about any injury to cleanse dirt and debry, body fluid, etc... and also inexpensive.

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