Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

She did drink some water. I think she ate a bit more. I know she had a lump in her crop for 2 days before. I messaged it and today it's gone. Fingers crossed.
Just a question, if you had the chance to move on property that was free of chickens, would you start with a new flock, or would you still bring over you original flock, and keep moving on?
Yes, that's a tough question. I would be bringing my flock. I'm very attached to them. I can't make that decision for anyone else. I agree with Nambroth. It may be hard to eradicate it from everything. I would just keep vaccinating.

My barn owner got 6 roos and 1 girl from a hatch I did for him. I took a roo home. He kept one. The other 4 went to be meaties. They carry Marek's. I guess it's for the best. I gave him 4 more of my hens, including 2 of my Blue JG's, which I'm attached to. But they're in actually a nicer place than my yard. Lot's of interesting things to eat. And I didn't want him to get hens from somewhere else because these 5 together carry Marek's. Giving him some of my hens was better than getting hens and having them get Marek's.

I don't know if I'll be hatching any more eggs. I love to, but I end up with roosters, and right now I have 9. 2 with flocks, and 2 have a friend. 5 bachelors. I would love to rehome them even as meaties. But they are Polish and so stoopid, LOL. You can sneak up on them and catch them. They are very sweet. So, more pens go up.
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How sad!

It's hard to distinguish between Marek's and not. I can only say that Marek's can go on for a while, weeks to months.

My baby is still hanging in there, and had some chocolate cake on her beak this morning.
That's good Seminole. Who knows, she may be going to make a come back. With this stuff, you just never know.

The hen I can say for certain didn't have Marek's. Also, the time of illness to failure was way too quick even with what was here last year.It may sound cruel, but her days were numbered anyways. She was one of the egg eaters and nothing has worked to stop them so they were to be culled anyway. She just went sooner. All the other birds were fine today and are showing no signs of anything wrong or shall we say ...pending?
Sigh... man, that is a tough question. I sure am attached to the individual birds I have. On the other hand... seeing a bird succumb to Marek's is pretty depressing. I know some of you have gone through it so many times you get numb to it, but my heart breaks each time. I figure that the chances of me somehow transferring Marek's during moving... (forgetting to clean something, maybe it's in the car? Heavens knows I've had enough chickens in the car..) are there anyhow. And my Marek's came in on the environment. Maybe it'd happen again. Maybe not! I don't know. Still, considering the alternative is 'cull all hens, move, start over', I think I'd probably bring my flock with me and just continue to only bring vaccinated chicks in. Maybe not logical, but humans are not always so logical.
Nambroth, I agree. Mine wasn't enviromental but we all know it's out there. We all know what we have, how to deal with it as much as we can...for us it has become the new 'norm'. Seriously? I don't know what I'd do. I know I'd still be looking over my shoulder so to speak. It's ingrained now, I don't think it's something you'd forget to do. A bird sneezes? A bird stumbles or steps wrong? The light hits their eye and makes it look odd? You know your heart would be dropping even if you knew your birds were not infected. I really don't think a new everything would make a bit of difference.
Seminolewind, if you know it's the Marek's taking her and you don't think there's a come back in her future, then just love her. It sounds as if something is pushing on the crop and she probably feels full. If her eyes aren't showing it, chances are, there isn't any pain. I'm sorry, it's bad enough to have to come to this decison after the time you've had with her, but then not to get the support you need. Not right.
I recently purchased 2 golden comets that are around 20-22 weeks of age . They were in a flock with about 50 others . When I got them home I noticed that one of the girls sounded congested. Shakes her head and makes a wheezing sound . I have read several other post about this containing the same thing with other birds . She is in my flock with the one I got her with and 8 others that I had already . Have not noticed any symptoms in any of the other birds. I read on a previous post that a good treatment for her would b duramycin-10 . My question is should I mix this in just her water or in the others water as well . I don't want the others drinking it if its not needed but hate to just separate her since she is new to flock .
I recently purchased 2 golden comets that are around 20-22 weeks of age . They were in a flock with about 50 others . When I got them home I noticed that one of the girls sounded congested. Shakes her head and makes a wheezing sound . I have read several other post about this containing the same thing with other birds . She is in my flock with the one I got her with and 8 others that I had already . Have not noticed any symptoms in any of the other birds. I read on a previous post that a good treatment for her would b duramycin-10 . My question is should I mix this in just her water or in the others water as well . I don't want the others drinking it if its not needed but hate to just separate her since she is new to flock .
It is the first med I reach for with respiratory symptoms. When you got these new birds did you keep them separated from the flock or were they just put right in with the others? If you didn't do any quarantine, then yes, you really need to be treating them all as they have now all been exposed if this is one of the diseases poultry get.

SpekledHills is correct in advising you to start a new thread as well. No problems with answering you here but you will get a better and more diverse set of answeres if you start your own thread. Good luck and if you could please post a link to your thread when you start it.

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