Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

This is what he's been nailing to.
oh gosh!! I will try to be nice, but that farrier really should not have been continuing the care of that horse's feet if his "plan" did not show improvement. It bothers me that some horse professionals think they know everything and wont listen to other people who may actually have the right answer for the horse. Kudos to you Seminolewind for doing what was right :)
This hoof trimming stuff is interesting.
Anyone want to start a thread specifically on that?
My former husband was a farrier & I accompanied him on several jobs, and I've studied it alot since. Enough people are coming to this thread to read on Marek's that we probably should narrow down on here to not waylay them, but I'd really enjoy some input & discussion on another thread (but am a little too lazy too construct it myself
). I'm having some recurrent problems with my mare's feet.
Anyone up for starting a new thread?
It was hot today. I read 96 until it thundered. Of course I had to plant a tree.
Then I went right in the hot cool tub. I let the hose run for a few hours for the chickens. Seems that standing in a mud puddle stops their panting.

Haunted-you still around???
Barely, lol. Up to my eyeballs in work and issues....aren't there always issues? Lol, just getting through. Buildings are getting done, slowly, no land speed records being broken, that's for sure. Um...let's see. Control Group #2 is coming up to lay and I've got to get them into a new pen. I'll start hatching after they've gotten themselves straight with all that. Cannibalism has stopped for the moment with this year's new chicks. Now if it will just stay that way. I really think it's a protien thing as they are feather eating. I just got a bag of 22% for them instead of the 15% they were getting. No clue. I've tried everything I know to do at least once, so now will go back and try them again. Who knows!

Had a scare with one of the new ones, but it turned out to be just a slight injury and has now completely healed. Other than that, just enjoying the Fall weather we're getting. Down in the 40s last night.
40's????? Nice. The rain here cools things off to about 85 and humid.
I'm glad your control groups are doing well. I have 3 roos from 2 control groups around 4-5 months old.
I have never had youngsters not eat feathers. They all have. I thought something was wrong in the beginning, but, there's not. So don't worry too much about it.
Feathers I could live with's the taking of the flesh I can't have and they will. They get blood when they pull another's feather, it's like someone rang the dinner bell. Little brats!

I have to share...I am the proud new grandmother to 4 little piggies born here last night. I think she's done now and I will have pictures later. Want to let her rest a bit and gain some strength back.

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