Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

Sorry to hear about the possible Mareks. It is not the end of the world, though. you may lose a small percentage of birds, but most of them will develop a resistance to it, (I am told.) I was devastated when I lost my first bird during my first year of having chickens, Eventually you develop a bit more realistic expectations and accept a loss now and then. Everyone thinks that they will be different because they will take really good care of theirs and they will live really long lives. But alot of it is really out of your control and all you can do is the best you can. It is just the way things are. There are just too many things to go wrong. Wild birds spread disease all over. Everything wants to eat your chickens.

Hugs and I hope she gets better. but if are not to blame
Acutally, I did have a vitamin b pill I put in the water. I don't think you can overdoseoo. She's on B can you? I used to take it a lot.

So, I'm wondering how rare mareks is. I'm beginning to think that probably is not what she has. I have 8 chickens, all the rest act fine.

I'm going to keep her out as much as I can (I mean on the couch beside me) so I can observe better, plus I'm sure it's nicer for her too. She's sitting pretty comfy now,

I guess I shouln't rush to put her down because I don't think she's in pain. If it can take 5 days, then I will not assume she won't make it.

I really appreciate all of the response. I'm going to try and get her to eat/drink now. I feel like I'm pestering her but she has to eat.
Thank you very much, I'll read those links tomorrow.  I could put a tad bit of vit e in her medicine, and I read vitamin b is good too.  I will have to check the vitamins and electrolytes I put in their water.  I'll have to look it up online because I tossed the pkg and put them in a bowl.  Something tells me that isn't the problem though.  

As for the necropsy, I'm not sure what the point would be now, since everyone has been exposed and should I ever get more chicks, they will definitely be vaccinated. 

The point of necropsy is to know if you have it for sure or not. This will allow you to make responsible choices and informed choices if you ever need to sell or give away birds, and so you know if you need to take biosecurity methods to keep from spreading it.
I have a bantam cochin who is 5 months old that has leg issues, she topples off to the side because she isn't using her left leg. Took her to the vet today and he isn't sure.

Don't know exact symptoms so don't know if it's a real possibility, but have you checked to see if the Achilles Tendon in her left leg may have slipped out of the hock joint? There is info on how to do that on the Poultry Podiatry page linked in my sig if you're not sure how.
Im so upset and cant figure out where or how to post this **** thing. Im i. Desprate need of advice. My chicken was attacked look at her beak. Is she in pain? I think she may be or still in shock from this am cause shes usually fisty and wont let u hold her. What fo i do?
Omg poor girl !! what happened ? what attacked her ?
I would say there are implications regarding her feeding and drinking and she will most certainly need some pain relief and something to control any possible resulting infection poor thing. I do not feel qualified to give you advice being a novice myself but I'm sure someone with more chicken years under their belt will be along soon.
I wish you and your little lady all the best and hope she recovers and you get through this awful time xx
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I dont know im guessing raccoon or opossum got in coop. Killed three beheading them scalped and took the eye and beak from one left alive ( i had to put her down if you saw it you would get sick and i am a nurse) and this one this is what happened and left one alone. So i now have only two. Do i put her down is she in pain? What is the hard things sticking out is it beak, cartilage, bone, i dont know Im so sick to my stomach
oh my! I'm sorry about your birds :( I hope that one is ok!

I got my girl to eat a bunch of mealworms. She's been sitting on the couch with me all day. She also just drank quite a bit of water with vitamins and extra b complex. and now as I type she's eating some of her food. Much improved since this morning at least. I know not to get too excited but at least she's eating and drinking. and sitting with her head up vs it laying flat to the ground or falling into the food.
Sorry to hear about the possible Mareks. It is not the end of the world, though. you may lose a small percentage of birds, but most of them will develop a resistance to it, (I am told.) I was devastated when I lost my first bird during my first year of having chickens, Eventually you develop a bit more realistic expectations and accept a loss now and then. Everyone thinks that they will be different because they will take really good care of theirs and they will live really long lives. But alot of it is really out of your control and all you can do is the best you can. It is just the way things are. There are just too many things to go wrong. Wild birds spread disease all over. Everything wants to eat your chickens.

Hugs and I hope she gets better. but if are not to blame
Xs 2. Excellent points Pysankigirl, truly. We are so into trying to find something...anything to help with this disease, that is is so easy to forget that it really isn't in our hands in the end. Thanks for the wake-up call.

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