Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

Okay. I'm just going to post this, and PLEASE do not say it's not true.

Most of you know that I have a barred rock pullet that has Marek's. I was giving her St. John's Wort pills (only a tiny pinch) with hemp oil and she started improving a lot. Then she started to go downhill again. I started giving her tumeric, with hemp oil, and now--she can balance herself, almost walk, and even perch on my fingers!
St. John's doesn't work for mine at all. Turmeric does as it acts as a blood cleanser and I believe actually takes some of it out of circulation. The hemp oil I've never tried so can't give any opinion on that. Please include a Super B Complex vitamin as well.
Seminole, it sucks to hear this. I am so very sorry. I just had another lost to Marek's as well and not quite sure why. Seabright roo, one of the 'mystery' chicks sent out from McMurray. Vaccinated with all 3 types and was doing fantastic. Had to move the new birds into my main chicken house for the Winter and the Silkies and Sea Jay, the Seabright, were put into a pen with my Showgirls. A few weeks later Sea Jay is down and 2 days later gone. He wasn't picked on and was quite happy in the new digs. No idea why as the Silkies are doing fine, non symptomatic and thriving. I would say the strain or strains still here sometimes just can't be stopped in some birds no matter what vaccines are used.
He fell in a bowl with his face and couldn't lift it. RIP little one. Maybe I'll try for more his color in the spring. I had 2 this color. He had feathers like silk.

oh that's so sad Seminole. He was very beautiful. I'm so sorry.

I'm looking at 2 bantam chocolate orps. Breeder vaccinates and they are at least a month old, might get older ones but not sure yet. She also will hang on to them for a bit for me. We might move and I don't want to bring them here until sometime in January.

This is what I was hoping for, some older pullets who have been vaccinated and at a mareks free home for a couple months.
One of the hatcheries vaccinates all their older birds with everything automatically. Smart thinkers.

Thanks, all, for the shoulder. Even when our Marek's birds die, it's not "just another chicken" is it.

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