Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

They are here!  I'll put pics up later.  I picked them up and they are ok as far as I can tell.  I'm leaving them in my bathroom for a couple hours while I work then I'll move them out.  It's rainy here today.  One is cream color, very light.  The other is med brown with some blue/grey in the feathers.  They are so soft!  

They seem like giants to me b/c I'm used to tiny birds.  D'uccles and silkies.  They are huge with long legs!  They are probably 12 weeks old, not positive what age he sent.  I hope they are nice to my silkie pullet.  :)

Hooray! I am so glad they arrived safely. Can't wait to see photos! My silkies let them know they weren't giving up a spot in the pecking order. It was almost amusing because they would go after them even when the bigger birds were three times their size. Nobody got hurt but the silkies were in charge. Of course, one of my silkies, Hazel, also goes after the dog. She is fearless, my husband calls her something else. Hahaha!
I have had this silkie pullet since March only and she's the only pullet. I just can't get over their size. They are cute though! As long as the silkie doesn't get picked on, things will be fine. She's fairly small, smaller than my other one who died a couple weeks ago. She's pretty well full grown, just a smaller girl! I'm so relieved too, I was a big worrywart.
Here they are! The creamy one has some of the super light orangy-brown on her back - she's pretty big! I hope her muffs develop more, she doesn't have much right now, the other one does. I think her name is Elise. The brown one is smaller and I've not named her yet. The silkie roo was trying to keep them out of the coop I think. They were going to sleep out behind the coop in the cold, I felt so bad. I got them back in it though.

Here they are! The creamy one has some of the super light orangy-brown on her back - she's pretty big! I hope her muffs develop more, she doesn't have much right now, the other one does. I think her name is Elise. The brown one is smaller and I've not named her yet. The silkie roo was trying to keep them out of the coop I think. They were going to sleep out behind the coop in the cold, I felt so bad. I got them back in it though. I
Awwwww! Pretty girls! I'm so glad they arrived safely. They look older than mine were when I got them.
I'm so upset I keep crying - my Sassy boy is sick now. I know he'll die and I just can't stand it. I am done with chickens. I might move to Florida and can't take them anyways. I don't know what to do with them. No one wants mareks carriers. I only have one who isn't vaccinated and he'll probably die next. this is devastating, that's all I can say right now. He's just sitting out there with his tail down - his comb is flopping a little and isn't bright red.

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