Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

Now if I could just get her to keep facing the same direction. She must be pivoting on the one foot. Hmmm.

I hope she's not getting dizzy!

Can you put a block either side of her - something heavy enough that she won't knock it over? If you could post a photo of her in her sling then maybe some brilliant DIYer on her will have a suggestion on how to keep her facing one way.
Well. Last night I figured if her leg is taped to her body, I might as well put her in a livestock feed pan with shavings. I think she's more comfortable that way. I gave her some French toast this morning, she still drinks a good amount of water, and can see the other chickens from the hutch she's in. I guess only time will tell . I hope she doesn't deteriorate on me.
Then I go out this afternoon to give the chickens a treat and found one of my 1 yr old BO's dead! I don't know why. I picked her up and she was quite thin. So I'm packing her up to send off tomorrow for a necropsy. Everyone else is good weight.
Then I go out this afternoon to give the chickens a treat and found one of my 1 yr old BO's dead! I don't know why. I picked her up and she was quite thin. So I'm packing her up to send off tomorrow for a necropsy. Everyone else is good weight.
Sorry to hear about your Orpington.

Please let us know what the lab finds.
My EE pullet is sick again (for those that followed the anti-viral thread, she showed Marek's symptoms 2 weeks ago and was on drugs for a week, she seemed great).

I am not sure this is just Marek's either, she is walking but looks pathetic (tail down). Reason it doesn't seem like Marek's is because she is barely picking at her food, last night I saw her picking at some cracked corn but it didn't look like she was actually EATING it. From prior history, when Marek's birds eat they tend to scarf down their food, they don't barely pick at it and take miniscule little bites. First thing this morning I gave her a dish with raw egg, etc...and she barely touched it.

I am just frustrated, I have suspected this bird has an overall weak system, she had a chronic respiratory thing going on for a while. She finally seemed to thrive for a week and now there are problems again.

I feel like I am never going to win the battle with these two ill birds. I feel bad saying this but part of me wants to run out and get a couple of older, fully vaccinated laying age pullets from a nearby hatchery so I can get some freaking eggs! I feel like an evil person wanting to give up but I just don't know if this is ever going to get better.
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Right, wrong, or indifferent, I would worm if you need to, and my concoction right now is Tylan 1 tsp per gallon mixed with a tsp of sulfadimethoxine in that same gallon for 7 days. If your chicken is immunosuppressed due to Marek's, or suffering from bacteria or cocci, this may work. Marek's does suppress the immune system and this will cover the opportunistic bugs.
Right, wrong, or indifferent, I would worm if you need to, and my concoction right now is Tylan 1 tsp per gallon mixed with a tsp of sulfadimethoxine in that same gallon for 7 days. If your chicken is immunosuppressed due to Marek's, or suffering from bacteria or cocci, this may work. Marek's does suppress the immune system and this will cover the opportunistic bugs.

I don't have any Tylan, is it a multi-wormer? I do have Wazine.

I put the bird on some doxycycline, not sure about the dosage though (have some 100 mg tabs left over from one of my dogs). This pullet does NOT look good, she is standing but very lethargic, wing tips actually touching the ground.

No signs of respiratory or sinus problems. I didn't even think about cocci, we have had rain the last 3 days. I looked at the poop where she slept and no signs of blood.
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I don't have any Tylan, is it a multi-wormer? I do have Wazine.

I put the bird on some doxycycline, not sure about the dosage though (have some 100 mg tabs left over from one of my dogs). This pullet does NOT look good, she is standing but very lethargic, wing tips actually touching the ground.

No signs of respiratory or sinus problems. I didn't even think about cocci, we have had rain the last 3 days. I looked at the poop where she slept and no signs of blood.

Tylan is an antibiotic used to treat respiratory diseases.

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