Not an Emergency...Marek's in the Flock

Quote: Tylan is a good med for respiratory bacteria, but also good for other things:

Chickens: For the control of mortality caused by necrotic enteritis (NE) associated with Clostridium perfringens in broiler chickens. As an aid in the treatment of chronic respiratory disease (CRD) associated with Mycoplasma gallisepticum in broiler and replacement chickens. For the control of CRD associated with Mycoplasma gallisepticum at the time of vaccination or other stress in chickens. For the control of CRD associated with Mycoplasma synoviae in broiler chickens.

Tylan is in the same family as Erythromicin. My concern is about Clostridium, Cocci, and E. Coli. Tylan and sulfadimethoxine would cover treat them. I use these because I have NO experience with using other meds for what I want. There are other meds to use. From 3 necropsies, I have had 3 chickens die from worms, enteritis, cocci and e. coli. One from Aspergillosis (fungus). Those can be opportunistic bacteria that can takeover a chicken if they are immunosuppressed which is something that Marek's exposure can do. I just sent another chicken for a necropsy. She died at one year old and I don't know why.

Wazine is only for roundworms, not the other worms.
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Doxycycline: is for (but it does not mean it's the best med for these things. Just that these bacteria are sensitive to it.)

Gram-Negative Bacteria:
Acinetobacter species
Bartonella bacilliformis
Brucella species
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
Campylobacter fetus
Enterobacter aerogenes
Escherichia coli
Francisella tularensis
Haemophilus ducreyi
Haemophilus influenzae
Klebsiella species
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Shigella species
Vibrio cholerae
Yersinia pestis
Gram-Positive Bacteria:
Bacillus anthracis
Streptococcus pneumonia
Anaerobic Bacteria:
Clostridium species
Fusobacterium fusiforme
Propionibacterium acnes
Other Bacteria:
Nocardiae and other Actinomyces species
Borrelia recurrentis
Chlamydophila psittaci
Chlamydia trachomatis
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Treponema pallidum
Treponema pertenue
Ureaplasma urealyticum
Balantidium coli
Entamoeba species
Thanks. The EE pullet just died 5 minutes ago (I brought her in the house last night, I was asleep and heard a squak and got up to find her in death throws). I expected this might happen, she was not looking good at all last night. She never did go down with paralysis though, she is the first bird I lost since this all started that did not end up paralyzed at the end.

Poor baby, she was doing so great a week ago. I really thought she had a chance. May she R.I.P.
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@Sonya9 ...I'm very sorry to hear about your EE pullet. I have an EE that's very dear to my heart too. She does tricks and follows me around the yard when I do stuff.
I'll be a wreak when the MDV overtakes her, so I know how you feel. {{Hugs}}

@Sonya9 , so sorry to hear about your EE.
Thanks for the kind words. On a brighter note my other Marek's pullet (paralyzed for at least 4 weeks now) seems to be slowly improving every day.

I honestly have never expected her to live so long without an illness or some other setback. Her fine motor skills are definitely getting much better, she went from not being able to eat, to crudely gulping food sporatically to eating just about normal now.

Her latest favorite food has been steamed rice mixed in with chicken feed, now if she drops a kernel of rice she very adeptly hunts the wayward piece of rice down (if it is within reach) and gobbles it up even though there is plenty in the dish. She is also starting to try to groom herself which is another sign that it isn't all about "survival" anymore.

I don't know if she will make it but I have to say she is tough and has a very strong will to live.
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****. I have a little 8 month old cream legbar pullet that was hatched last spring - unvaccinated . Her two sibs both died of mareks (one necropsy, one a guess). Been thinking she might be a little "off" lately because she has been hanging out in the coop - but so have others with this variable weather. I've noticed that if I come in the coop and the other chickens leave, she goes to the waterer drinks and drinks and drinks. I've picked her up and hand fed her a couple of times, again feeling that she isn't standing up for herself to muscle her way into the feeders (multiple feeders).

so today, she is up on the shelf in that puffed out position. When she flew down to the floor she started high stepping. High stepping seems to me to be a mareks symptom followed in a couple of weeks by death. damnation.

and now I am wondering whether picking her up and hand feeding her is adding to her stress, stress=mareks outbreak.
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I had a one year old BO who was bought in a group of 10 chicks vaccinated for Marek's. She died and I sent her to the lab. The lab just called and the pathologist stated that it appears to be Marek's. She was calling for permission to send a sample to Texas, which I'm doing. How sad. She had no paralysis. Just wasted away looking fine hidden in a bunch of fluffy buff feathers.

I will post all the reports that I get.

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