Not doing so well chick


Spicy Sugar Cookie
7 Years
Apr 26, 2017
The moon
in the 25th and 26th I got three chicks. Two black ones were hatched the first day, and a brown one the next. The brown one, Brownies, seems to be less vigorous than the two black. She always wants to be under mama and she doesn’t run around. I put poultry nutridrench, apple cider vinegar, and chick probiotics in her water. I’m hoping that will help. Is this sickness, weakness, or just later development? I’m hoping so hard she makes it. She is adorable and super sweet. Anything else I can do?
The egg in the pic is one that didn’t hatch I’m giving it till tonight then I’ll candle and see. It doesn’t even feel like there is a chick inside so I’m thinking it’s not even fertilized.
give it a day or 2 to get stronger. I find some chicks are just all over the place and others quieter personalities. In addition it takes 24 hours usually before they recover from the effort of hatching. So it may just be recovering still.
give it a day or 2 to get stronger. I find some chicks are just all over the place and others quieter personalities. In addition it takes 24 hours usually before they recover from the effort of hatching. So it may just be recovering still.
Ah ok. That makes sense. Thank you so much that puts my mind to rest.

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