not eating treats


Mar 19, 2015
central NY
So, my 4 week old chicks don't eat any treats I give them, aside from grit. They love the grit. but any fruit/veggies I have given them have been completely ignored. Will they be more interested as they get older?
We're moving them outside today, so they'll have much more variety available to them on a constant basis. Deep litter, compost, bugs and grass, etc.
Can you feed them their food from your hand?

I've found adding a vocal cue (chick chick chick!) when you have tasties in your hand helps. Sometimes they don't realize it for food...(but once they do, look out - they'll be after you lol)
I tried grapes last night, because I've seen so many people talk about how the chicks love them. Nope...
I have never tried hand feeding them, i can do that...
Just be patient, be still, and start with their own food (that they know is food!)

You can also as I think I mentioned (sorry been cursing at my sewing machine, brains not there) associating a sound with when you offer treats. That way, they hear and...well, not all of mine come running but there's a couple mooches that do!

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