Not moving, not eating hen


6 Years
Jul 17, 2013
Eastern Washington
A few days ago I noticed that one of my hens looked sick. Today I found her laying in the house not moving or trying to get away when I picked her up. I brought her into the barn nod put her on some hy bales. Tried giving her some scratch but she didn't take it. Then I tried some regular chicken food and she did take a little. While I went into the house to get some lettuce, she flew about 7 ft to where she was when I took the pictures. In all of my handling of her today she kept her feet held up and seems alert.


Some things that might be wrong could be egg bound, coccidiosis, impacted crop, or other things. First I would examine the inside of her vent with a lubricated and gloved finger to search for any egg. Feel her tummy while you are at it. Look for any diarrhea or blood in stools. She looks young, how old is she? Feel her crop to see if it is hard and full (impacted crop) or full and squishy (sour crop.) Mornings are best for this when crops are empty normally. Look her over for mites and lice especially under the vent. Has she been wormed lately. Corid (amprollium) is the best treatment for coccidiosis. Here is a link about it:
She has no mites. And is even thiner than I expected, we'll probably put her down. I'm looking into the coccidiosis more, we haven't got hatchery chickens or chicks for over two years and don't usually give our chicks medicated feed.

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