not one egg yet:(


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 4, 2013
I HOPE SOMEONECAN HELP ME, MY RHODE ISLANDS R 22 Weeks Now. Not One Egg Yet! The Roos R Mounting The Hens Even, Is There Somethin I Can Do To Help ThEm Lay? ,They Get Layer EverydayAnd Laying Boxes. Help!! Ty:)
They aren't late yet. 24 weeks is a good average but anywhere from 5-8 months is in the normal range. Layer is food for laying birds, it does not help birds lay. They all mature in their own time. Take a look at their comb and wattles. They will turn a nice bright red right before they lay. It should be soon but I would not worry yet.
from New Mexico!

Yes, you still have to wait a bit. I know how hard it is...but it will be THE most Egg-citing day ever when you find that first egg!

So glad you could join and enjoy BYC!

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