Not really am emergency but sad chicken


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
We have 3 red stars who are over a year old. We got two new chicks and decided to put them in with the big girls, now that they are around 8 weeks. Well unfortunately they killed one. So we brought the other back in the house. But she has become very clingy to me, we have access to getting another chick her age, but wondering what we should do in the mean time. Any advice would be great thanks!!
If you have a secure cage or crate, you can put her out with the other chicks. It's very hard to integrate different ages until they are nearly the same size, and is best done gradually with a fence separating them. This is how I introduce young chickens, in the back of my coop for at least a week or two, so they know where home is. This set up has netting to go over the top, can be turned upside down for smaller pullets, and chicken netting for the sides if chicks are small:
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That is a good idea...we started to slowly integrate them, and we figured all would be well. But apparently not. We will be adding something like this to our run. Thanks for the idea!!
I agree with Eggcessive, a growout pen is best where they can all see each other to get used to each other. Here's a pic of a growout pen with 3 newbies originally hatched from a broody hen from a different pen. The main free ranging flock could easily see the newbies in preparation for their integration.
I will look into this!! do you think a hen the same age as our other little one would help too?
Oh yes, I would get the young one a buddy, but just remember, it will have to be introduced gradually to the young one. One of the two will definitely become the boss, LOL.
Even if they are the same age and from the same group of hens?? they were hatch buddies and then sold off separately
Good to know!! hahahah this introduction thing is all new to us. Thank you!

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