Not so graceful


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 31, 2013
One of our chicks has a crooked toe! I thought she was just clumsy because her feet are so big but one of her toes is turned out ,almost up. She seems to struggle with jumping up on the perch like she can't get her balance. Do I need to worry about this? Can I do anything for it? I feel bad that I didn't see it sooner, but she is more mellow than the other two and sits or squats down more never thought to look at her toes.
Any advice? I'm not sure if it is a new injury (don't see anything that looks wounded ) or if it a developmental thing. But she didn't seem to take advantage of the free roam time this morning like the others. She just kept trying the perch & balance
At a really young age you can make a shoe out of tape and a piece of cardboard. Their bones harden after a few days though and it would be more difficult. When real small they don't have a lot of balance anyways. Mine would try to perch and fall off. It was pretty funny to watch them try to sleep on the perch and fall off while asleep. It was only a couple of iinches off the bedding and they didn't get hurt.

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