Not sure of breed or gender.


6 Years
Apr 28, 2014
I bought a dozen chicks from TSC 3 months ago. 2 Australorps, 3 Black Sex Links, 3 Olive Eggers, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes; all pullets. My kids said they heard this one crow a couple of times and because of the comb and wattle are concerned it is a he. As soon as my husband saw it, he thought it was a Barred Rock. In the last two pics there are a SLW and an OE and I know it does not look like either of those ones. Also, it seems to be the tallest of the chickens. Any help would be very appreciated.



I don’t have any experience with chickens that don’t have a single/standard comb but if you heard it crow then it’s definitely a rooster! 😂 Sorry I cant help much but guessing by the color and size of the comb only, I’d say it’s probably a roo.
I don’t have any experience with chickens that don’t have a single/standard comb but if you heard it crow then it’s definitely a rooster! 😂 Sorry I cant help much but guessing by the color and size of the comb only, I’d say it’s probably a roo.
I'm not 100% sure it did crow. My kids claimed they heard it crow. But I'm not sure.

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