Not sure what I saw in one egg


11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
I saw what look like a black circle in one of my broody hens eggs, was that a chick ? I didn't take a pic of it I could see veins also sort of looked like a eye but black is it a bad egg ?

I never have hatched any eggs.
i experienced the same thing. I am not sure what I am seeing either. My dad said that it is the chicks head.

I have brown and green eggs. They are very hard to tell what is what. I also have a brown egg that today the air sac that looked really good is now dark on one half and looks good on the other. The black spot used to move as i gently rolled is now not moving around at all. I think its stuck. The yolk would move too and now is not. I am curious now for the future ones i try, if I opened it then I would know what I was looking at. I dont think its alive. I fear smell and fear life. grrr.

I will keep watch let us know what happens with yours.
Dark color or black is the embryo/chick. Take care when candling your eggs too much movement will kill the chick off.
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No, just mark the eggs that your not sure of with a ? mark and candle again at day 14. That's when you can determine there is no more growth for the chick. Now if you have a funky smell, seeping/weeping egg in the bator before then you can dispose of that egg before it would explode.
Thanks I just went and looked at

Mine look good I'm not touching anymore until hatched March 18th...

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