Not sure what my rooster is...

CPW Chicks

In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 26, 2010
Beaumont, PA
I adopted a rooster from local shelter, I think it is an EE but not sure. what do you think?

Easter Egger indeed, here's a comparison to my handsome fella:


The duckwing/white splashy color seems kinda common in hatcheries, and varies from mostly white to having a lot of white-laced black on the chest.
Thanks. Unfortunately, I don't know how old any of my chickens are, we adopted they from a shelter who rescued them after they were abandoned in a local wooded area after a farm show. He is nice to us, he jumped towards my daughter once but I believe she scared him when she was swinging her arms in his direction. He will get on our hand to take him down from the door frame when he gets up there. He is also very frisky.

Wow, that's great. Our experience (which is limited) has been that roosters aren't too thrilled with children generally. Our "house" rule is that IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ROOSTER, the kids do NOT try to catch a hen, do handstands, kick the soccer ball, etc. etc. because he will chase them, causing us to freak out and feel the need to take action against the rooster. Why set the poor guy up to be in trouble with us? So, the kids can play and chase hens all they want when our roo is safely put away.
Best of luck with your rescue chickens, you're a wonderful person to take the trouble to give them a home.
You can tell as a general rule by how long his spurs are if they are short like this <--> then he is under a year <-----> 1-2 years and <-----------> over 2 years, thats how I do it when I get them as adults, he looks fairly young to me
He's a big, beautiful EE. It's nice to hear you rescued him and he has a nice loving home now! I'm not sure our local shelter would even take chickens.

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