Not Trying To Start A Political Debate Or Any Of That Junk

be nice if some of those first election were true today.....Like who got the most vote was President...runner up became Vice-President...that would be nice now days.
Well... technically Obama is half black or half white depending how you look at it.

A question: If you are mixed race say 1/2 white and 1/2 other why do most call themselves the "other"?
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Fact is George Washington was the first President of the country "The United States of America" the first 7 Presidents were before The Consittution......which made the United States.
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Gerald Ford was also a very good skier(in spite of the plethora of pics of him falling down). A skill he perfected in Michigan.

He's also the only Republican I've ever voted for for President. He lost, go figure.

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I remember the Kenney Assassination...i was in school.

There was alot of comparing to the Lincoln Assassination.

Both were replaced by a Johnson ..A Johnson born in1808 ...L. Johnson born in 1908

both shot in the back of the head

Lincoln's secretary Kenney warn him not to go to the theatre.

Kenney's secretary Lincoln warned him not to go to Dallas.

both elected to congress in 46.....1846 and 1946

both elected as Prsident in 60...1860 and 1960.

both were shot on Friday.

Lincoln shot at Ford theatre

Kenney shot in a Ford made car.

Both gunman were born in 39.....1839 and 1939
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