Not Trying To Start A Political Debate Or Any Of That Junk

This is a very good point.........not all African are black....yes most are ........but not all some are white.

I don't understand why the change from Negro to not all Black people are from Africa,,,things that make you say humm.

Bi-racial......aren't most American.......well more than 2 races.....the greatest amount of us have more than one race is our background..lot of native American
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I agree! Please folks back to the interesting history lessons. I was enjoying those!

mom'sfolly :

...Personally, I like the term American, with nothing else added on.

That's the way most every other country sees it! Your nationality means what country you are a citizen of, not what country your ancestors are from.​

I agree if AMERICAN let it be , if your Japanese....your are a citizen of Japan and so on........
One of the funniest thing I hear our President say.......was when ask what kind of dog he was getting for his girls he said " A Mutt Like me" because his parents were two different races
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There really is no biological basis for using the term "race" with regards to people. We are all much more alike than you think. As a species, we have less genetic diversity among our population of 7 billion than there is to be found within a single breeding population of wild chimpanzees. Yet we are taught to separate ourselves based on relatively minor differences that reflect just a handful of genes.

Ethnicity or country-of-origin terms reflect more about learned culture than much else. Yeah, a few interesting genes are found in some populations more than others, but they account for a minor percentage (single digits or less) of the total variation, and they don't follow perceived "racial" categories. And as far as using the term "African American", I'd have to share that native people of that continent are more diverse and varied than those of any other "race" category that is popularly used.

Just some stuff to keep in mind. We are all one family.

Yes and skin color is what most people are seperate it red,yellow,black or white. Myself i like some of the post go by what country you are citizen of.
Yes, and some individuals are quick to point out that they are a certain color as if I really care, one nice thing about forums you cannot see their color except when a picture is posted and therefore it is not an issue until they introduce that fact for reasons unknown. We are seperated by gender also, I cannot nurse a child.
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Right, he assumed the presidency when Garfield was assassinated by a fanatical supporter of...Chester Arthur.

Arthur was born in the US (Vermont), but his father William was born in Ireland, came to Canada and was not naturalized as a citizen of this country until his son Chester was 14 years old. Chester Arthur was ineligible to run for the VP slot and was definitely not eligible to assume the Presidency upon Garfield's assassination.

if this is the case he was eligible...........but it was said he may have been born in Canada then he wouldn't be. really in his case depend where he was born

I don't believe you're correct. He was ineligible because the law didn't change until the 1930's - at the time of Chester Arthur's birth and for that matter during the time of his Vice presidency and his Presidency, both parents had to be naturalized citizens for their children to be natural born citizens.

The law was most likely changed due to Arthur, although I don't know for sure.

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